Another perl5 Bug

Shlomi Fish on 2007-06-15T07:40:41

I found another perl5 bug by accident. It can be reproduced with perl-5.8.8 like this:

$ perl -le ' $a = "Hello"; for ("$a") { lc $_; print }'

It happens only if a variable is given within the quotes.

I discovered it by writing a support script to convert a standard Module::Build distribution to Test-Run-Builder. In this context, I needed to add another entry to the MANIFEST file, and used sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } on the existing lines and an extra line placed in quotes. And then when I ran svn diff I found out it was in lowercase.

On a slightly different note, I also spent a lot of time isolating a hard-to-isolate vim bug on Mandriva. It turns out to have been an incompatibility between the vim source and the compilation flags, that surfaces only when using the vcscommands.

Another resolved perl5 bug

ferreira on 2007-06-16T19:42:33

Rafäel already took care of this bug, with Change #31377 to bleadperl.